It’s been a year today :(

On August 15, 2012, in Dad, by Dad

This is the one year anniversary since you passed away, Stephanie, and I’m just as heart broken now as I was when I first was told the news a year ago.  This past year has been very difficult.  Your little brother Mason was born in January.  My primary election to the U.S. Congress was in March, and as you know, I didn’t win.  But that already seems so long ago.

It’s August now, and I’m still trying to make sense of this, and don’t have many answers.  I just know that I miss you, and I’m still hurting, and that this one year anniversary just brings it all back up again.




One Response to It’s been a year today :(

  1. Cheri Tree says:

    Hi Stephanie,

    I miss you too! So sorry that this happened a year ago. You’re missed by all of us! Would have been great to see you at the family reunion this summer! Hopefully you stopped by and got to hang out with us a little anyway!

    Miss you! Come say hi when you have some time! 🙂

    Aunt Cheri